by Oliver Capace | Jan 8, 2025 | Grilling tips, Recipes
Recipe for luxurious Kamado Pizza Bianca with truffle oil and mushrooms Making a Pizza Bianca with truffle oil and mushrooms with your Kamado Sumo is a perfect way to take pizza baking to the next level. Thanks to the high heat and even heat distribution of the kamado grill, you can...
by Oliver Capace | Dec 19, 2024 | Grilling Tips, Guides, Recipes
BBQ RIBS WITH A CHRISTMAS TOUCH Here's our recipe for one of the most flavorful and warming ways to make BBQ ribs - perfect for the cold winter months. Which ribs are best? There are three types of ribs to choose from: thin ribs, thick ribs and...
by Kamado Sumo | Aug 21, 2023 | Guides, Info, Recipes
Explore the many benefits of the kamado grill Both grilling and ceramics have been part of human history for thousands of years. By combining these two timeless elements, we get a wonderful result: ceramic grills, also known as kamado grills. Ceramic grills...